About Shipping
Do you deliver to your home?
That's right, we do it within the metropolitan area of Mexico City and we send it through parcel services such as ODM, Paquete Express, Tres Guerras
What parts of the country do you ship to?
To the whole country through parcel services
Can delivery time be improved?
It depends on several factors
Where can I pick up what I purchased?
By scheduling the collection in advance with your sales executive at our warehouse.
About the products
What materials do you have for immediate delivery?
Firefighter Suits, SCBA, Hoses. Contact an advisor to find out which products are available for immediate delivery.
What certifications does the material you quote me from your brand (Cogarsa or COFISS) have?
It depends on the material to be quoted, most have UL/FM certifications and others such as the Firefighter suit comply with NFPA.
What brands do you handle?
Victaulic, BlazeMaster, Giacomini, Caddy, Notifier, COFISS, Detnov, etc.
About Orders
What is the process for placing an order?
Once the quote is made, the purchase is made through bank transfer, your payment is validated and we make a purchase order to supply the previously quoted material and the shipment of the material is scheduled together with the client.
Why don't you accept cash?
Due to internal company policies and for company security.