by AirFire
Sold out
Original price
$ 0.00
Original price
$ 0.00
Original price
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
Current price
$ 0.00
A professional extinguishing solution for small defined volumes, which acts immediately at the start of a fire or abnormally high operating temperatures.
This product is quoted together with a Fire Protection project, if you require more information, please contact a sales executive.
*All prices are in MXN
*For products that are $0.00, please request information from an advisor*
- Todos los precios son +IVA y están en MXN.
- Las entregas fuera de CDMX se cotizan con un asesor.
- Los productos en $0.00 o que indican "sobre pedido", favor de contactar a un asesor:
WhatsApp: 55 4996 2107 o en contacto@cogarsa.com