Detection and Extinguishing Center CCD-103 DETNOV
Detection and extinguishing control unit for controlling 1 risk (3 detection zones). It has 1 output for activating the bottle and 1 output for activating the sign, 2 inputs for monitoring the bottle, push-button inputs: trigger, abort and pause of extinguishing, 2 siren outputs for the two possible states of the extinguishing process, configurable extinguishing trigger delay, 3 operating modes of the extinguishing block: manual, automatic and cancelled, 2 inputs for monitoring the premises; door and ventilation.
Historical event log. Possibility of connecting to PC via USB for complex programming and event downloading. Can be integrated into analogue systems directly from the analogue loop.
Technical sheet: https://www.detnov.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Datasheet_CCD-103-DS-275-es-2019-b.pdf
*All prices are in MXN
*For products that are $0.00, please request information from an advisor*
- Las imágenes son ilustrativas, los productos pueden variar.
- Todos los precios son +IVA y están en MXN.
- Las entregas fuera de CDMX se cotizan con un asesor.
- Los productos en $0.00 o que indican "sobre pedido", favor de contactar a un asesor:
WhatsApp: 55 4996 2107 o en contacto@cogarsa.com